The WP3 kick-off meeting “Functional genomics and toxicological studies applied to Traditional Chinese Medicines”, held on 24th-25th October 2009 in Brussels La Hulpe, brought together 9 members of the WP3 group from both China and Europe, the coordinator of WP5 and 3 guests from Belgium and D.R. of Congo. A rich program of conferences and round tables allowed all members to better envision group cooperation and to approve the work plan. A practical definition of “toxicity” was achieved in relation with the GP-TCM project and three major fields of action were then defined: (i) investigation of methods (classical and functional genomics) applicable to toxicities evaluation; (ii) study of toxicological reports available on a series of plants (to be defined among the WP1-WP2 priority list, the top-sellers TCM and the list of 72 toxic plants from the Chinese Pharmacopoeia); (iii) review of pharmacovigilance safety data.
Minds very open to discussion, the friendly atmosphere of debates and the quality of scientific talks made for an extremely enjoyable meeting and forecast of a rich collaboration between group members.

WP3 Kick-off Meeting Group Photo