The Kick-off Meeting of WP5 was successfully held in the historic Old Campus of University of Alcala (15th century) in Spain on 1st-3rd June 2009. 10 WP5 members attended the meeting: Xiaodong Cheng (China), M. Laura García-Bermejo (Spain, Assistant Coordinator), Bruce Hendry (UK, Deputy Coordinator), Peter Hylands (UK), William Jia (China/Canada), Rajendra Kumari (UK), Javier de Lucio Cazaña (Spain, Coordinator), Gemma Olmos (Spain), Susan Watson (UK), Qihe Xu (UK) and Liping Zhao (China). The meeting was intensive; the work on day 2 started at 8.30 am and finished at 8.30 pm! The meeting was also highly productive; attendees introduced themselves, their research interests and expertise, discussed the 3-year plan of the WP and assigned jobs related to deliverables for the first year (D5.1 to D5.7). The SOP draft was reviewed and technical issues in literature review have been tested through practice. Last but not the least, the meeting was hugely enjoyable; Lucio Cazaña and M. Laura García-Bermejo organised a series of social programmes and all attendees were impressed with the Spanish hospitality!

WP5 Kick-off Meeting in Alcala, Spain

WP5 members discussing during the meeting