
  • Article (title, authors, journal, year and pages):  Angelmarin, a novel anti-cancer agent able to eliminate the tolerance of cancer cells to nutrient starvation – Awale S. Et al. – Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 16 (2006) 581–583
  • Plant (scientific name of the main plant):  Angelica pubescens
  • WP4 reference member:  Prof. Angelika Vollmar
  • Plant/s used (if a phytocomplex from one or more plants are used):
  • Formula used (if a phytocomplex from a formula is used):
  • Purified molecules used (if single compounds are used): Angelmarin
  • Disease/s:  cancer
  • molecular target/s and/or mechanisms investigated:  cytotoxicity under nutrient-deprivation conditions
  • General quality score (mean ± SD):  article not meeting inclusion criteria for evaluation
  • Relevance score for TCM research (mean ± SD):  article not meeting inclusion criteria for evaluation
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