
  • Article (title, authors, journal, year and pages):  Inhibition of Tumor-Promoting Effects by Poricoic Acids G and H and Other  Lanostane-Type Triterpenes and Cytotoxic Activity of Poricoic Acids A and G from Poria cocos – Ukiya M – J. Nat. Prod. 2002, 65, 462-465
  • Plant (scientific name of the main plant):  Poria cocos
  • WP4 reference member:  Prof. Verena Dirsch
  • Plant/s used (if a phytocomplex from one or more plants are used):
  • Formula used (if a phytocomplex from a formula is used):
  • Purified molecules used (if single compounds are used): poricoic acid G, poricoic acid H, poricoic acid B, poricoic acid A, tumulosic acid, dehydro-tumulosic acid,3-epidehydro-tumulosic acid, polyporenic acid C, 25-hydroxy-3-epidehydro-tumulosic acid, dehydroabietic acid methyl ester
  • Disease/s:  cancer
  • molecular target/s and/or mechanisms investigated:  cytotoxicity
  • General quality score (mean ± SD):  article not meeting inclusion criteria for evaluation
  • Relevance score for TCM research (mean ± SD):  article not meeting inclusion criteria for evaluation
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